10 Fan Theories That Put Interesting Spins On Your Favourite '80s Cartoons

3. ThunderCats Was An Early Sex Education Lesson

ThunderCats TV
Ranking/Bass Productions

An admittedly rather weak fan theory - but a fan theory all the same - states that the ThunderCats brand of the 1980s was actually a subtle attempt to give kids an early sexual education. And it's based on two things: Cheetara and the Sword of Omens.

Cheetara was the closest thing a pre-teen male in the 1980s would get to seeing a naked female on television, so was the creation of her character an attempt to educate about the female body?

As for the Sword of Omens, well, when Lion-O got a bit feisty its length increased. Fairly self-explanatory really.


I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.