10 Fascinating Facts About Seinfeld

1. Jerry's Puffy Shirt Is In The Smithsonian

Seinfeld Cast

The pirate shirt that's too ridiculous for even Captain Jack Sparrow. Despite only appearing once during the series, the season five episode called The Puffy Shirt, it managed to swashbuckle its way into legend. It remains one of the most recognisable aspects of the show and lives on in the memories of all Seinfeld fans.

However, you may be surprised to learn that it also lives under the same roof as Moon rocks, Dorothy's Ruby Slippers and Abraham Lincoln's hat: The Smithsonian. The museum leapt at the chance to preserve an item from such an iconic TV show. While Seinfeld producers originally offered them the refrigerator from Jerry's apartment set, the curators felt that such an item was too "ungainly" and instead opted for the shirt. It was presented to them in a lavish ceremony in 2004 which Jerry Seinfeld himself attended.

Of the over 130 million priceless artefacts in the Smithsonian’s collection, this is surely the funniest. And the least fashionable.

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A tall Australian who is passionate about all things facts and pop culture.