Announcer: You're entering a realm which is unusual. Maybe it's magic, or contains some kind of monster...the second one. Prepare to enter 'The Scary Door'.
As with 'Sick, Sad World', the announcer spot introducing The Scary Door has become as iconic as any of the hypothetical horrors seen in the show, setting the scene for something you definitely don't expect. And, as with 'Sick, Sad World', it doesn't let a little thing like logic get in the way of a good story. No, The Scary Door (not so much a paper-thin parody of The Twilight Zone as a mash-up of its most notable episodes) takes every conceivable plot twist and shapes them into the most ludicrously enjoyable TV show we've never seen. For example, man loses his glasses after finally finding the time to read all the books he wanted (echoing The Twilight Zone's classic 'Time Enough At Last')? Predictable! Man loses his glasses, hands, tongue and head - for no apparent reason? Hilarious! But the show is at its best when it revels in the comically impossible and downright inane. Consider this mind-melting exchange which 'explains' the above image: Senator: There's no such thing as space aliens! Man: Oh? How can you be so sure them aliens aren't already among us? Senator: I'll tell you how! [ pulls man's face off to reveal an alien] Because you are one! Seriously, how could anyone watch this and not scream out for more? Bring back Futurama! Bring back 'All My Circuits'! And please, in the name of all that is good and nonsensical, bring back 'The Scary Door'! Like this article? Are there any other examples that deserve a place on the list? Feel free to comment in the box below.
Yorkshireman (hence the surname). Often spotted sacrificing sleep and sanity for the annual Leeds International Film Festival. For a sample of (fairly) recent film reviews, please visit