10 Films From 2013 That Would Make Great TV Shows

8. Warm Bodies

With the massive success of The Walking Dead, zombies have never been cooler, and it's surprising that few TV channels have picked up zombie shows to rival AMC's. Warm Bodies wasn't a massive hit, but the premise is enough to leave you wanting more, and it could channel those brain-chomping dollars. A channel like the CW is begging to have a show from a sweet young zombie's perspective where he falls in love and fights bad zombies - or basically a zombified The Vampire Diaries. The film itself was well liked enough by critics but somehow didn't quite capture audiences, in the same way that other supposed teen fantasies did. And at the other end of the scale, it didn't boast nearly enough gore for horror fans, nor enough comedy to rival Zombieland. So a TV show for Warm Bodies would need to either play with the rom com element or add the fake blood and become a rival to Hannibal. None of the original cast need come back: Nicolas Hoult's turn as R is hardly iconic and neither is Kristen Stewart-alike Teresa Palmer's as Perry, and frankly, there are enough likeable young actors looking for a TV show from Brenda Song (who deserves better then Dads), Hunger Games' Alexander Ludwig or Teen Wolf's Holland Roden.

Bournemouth born journalist, radio DJ and fiction writer. A fan of loud music, quiet films, Doctor Who and trashy TV. Editor at http://dailyactress.tumblr.com/ email me at hillbourne2006@yahoo.co.uk