10 Films With Awesome Animated TV Shows You Forgot Existed

7. Men In Black: The Series

Okay, so the Men in Black series was actually fab.

I mean, it didn't have Tommy Lee Jones or Will Smith behind the roles of K and J, or even Rip Torn in the role of Z, but it did capture the magic of Barry Sonnenfeld's sci-fi spectacular with ease. Not so much its bombast, but the quirky atmosphere was there, and again, it exemplified a trend in cartoon shows adapting relatively mature properties for a younger audience.

The series does away with the ending of the 1997 original, instead opting to keep the K and J partnership running until its cancellation in 2001, though Dr. Laurel Weaver does maintain a role in the organisation. It ran for four seasons, and featured a whole host of aliens, characters and storylines over the course of its duration. It also actually had a role in the overall canon of the film series, surprisingly, considering the amendment to K's fate at the end of the first film. In the first sequel, when J squares off against Jarra in MIB headquarters, the agent references the time he stopped him from stealing the Earth's ozone layer - the main premise of the show's second episode.

So, not only was the show influential in forming the MIB universe going forward, it also managed to adapt a fairly mature sci-fi comedy for a different audience. It also had a stellar voice cast, featuring the A-List talents of Billy West, Vincent D'Onofrio, Ron Perlman and Tony Shalhoub to name but some.

If you're after an MIB fix and you've played Black Suits Comin' just one time too many, then it might be just the thing you need.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.