10 Most Forgettable Leading Men On TV

7. Mark Brendanawicz (Parks And Recreation)

Mark Parks Remember when Parks and Recreation had a leading man who wasn't Adam Scott or Rob Lowe? It's shocking, I know, but in the early days of this now veteran comedy, the "straight-man" was a city-planner who was allegedly a womanizer, despite his lack of charm or personality. I had to rewatch the first two seasons just to refresh my memory of Mark's character and what he was doing in the Parks and Recreation Department of good old Pawnee. It turns out he did have a story that had to do with his jaded outlook on a boring career he thought he would love in college. Really? City planning isn't exciting? Coupled with his odd romance with Leslie Knope and so-boring-they-broke-up-because-it-was-boring relationship with Anne Perkins, Mark was replaced with Ben and Chris in Season 3. Combined with the presence of Ron Swanson, Andy Dwyer, Tom Haverford and (of course) Jerry, Parks and Recreation easily found its groove without Mark.

Jon is the author of the Pixar Theory, the narrative that combines all of the Pixar movies in one timeline. You can read more about his random nonsense on jonnegroni.com