10 Most Forgettable Leading Men On TV

8. Andy Bernard (The Office)

Andy Bernard The Office The first red flag for Ed Helms' portrayal of a middle-class paper salesman was that they had to completely shift the character's personality after one season. Of course, that isn't a death sentence for everyone, since actors and writers naturally evolve characters over time. Still, that's not really the case with Andy. He went from being "the other Dwight," which was fine, to being "the less interesting Michael." When they replaced Michael with Andy as Regional Manager, things just got worse as this character began to appear even more confusing and difficult to root for. He was ultimately a forgettable presence because the writers had to rely on his romantic relationship with Erin (which was tired by this point) in order to keep viewers interested. I will grant that Andy became far more fun to watch when he left the branch as the series ended. They at least managed to give Andy a memorable ending that was still true to the character.

Jon is the author of the Pixar Theory, the narrative that combines all of the Pixar movies in one timeline. You can read more about his random nonsense on jonnegroni.com