10 Most Forgettable Leading Men On TV

4. Father Jack Landry (V)

V Jack Landry V had a lot of problems, especially when it came to leading men. We had Ryan, who was secretly a V who had been living on Earth for years, but his motivations were typically mixed with his own plot involving his pregnant (uh oh!) wife. So, we had Jack Landry, a priest who...did things...sometimes. It's been a few years since I've watched the show, of which I watched every episode, and I can't remember a single thing Jack Landry did or said. Most of his moments that should have left an impression were overshadowed by Elizabeth Mitchell, who was the real leading man in this case. What's sad about that is how by the second season, even Mitchell was pretty much bored with where the show was going. Sure, Kyle Hobbs came onto the scene a few episodes into the first season and was a welcome addition to the Fifth Column team, and we had some decent cast add-ons during the series' brief run. But no one can deny that V suffered from some of the dullest leading men on primetime television.

Jon is the author of the Pixar Theory, the narrative that combines all of the Pixar movies in one timeline. You can read more about his random nonsense on jonnegroni.com