10 Fragile Star Trek Villains YOU Could Beat

8. The Pakleds - TNG

Salt Vampire Star Trek

The Pakleds appear to be a slow-witted alien species, because they are. They make up for their lack of raw intelligence with an ambitious conniving and willingness to lie to get what they need. The Pakleds are scavengers, the technology they have is developed by others. They don't need to understand how things work because they steal or convince others to do the work for them.

In Samaritan Snare (TNG) the Pakleds send out a distress signal, pretending that their ship is in need of repairs. Riker is taken in by the childlike mannerisms of the Pakleds and La Forge is sent to help the seemingly harmless aliens. Once on the ship, La Forge is kept captive. The Pakleds plan to use him to help them "make their ship go" and to make weapons.

While the Pakleds have some cunning their lack of any sort of smarts makes them easy to defeat. A bit like being captured by a bunch of six-year-olds, their ability to reason only goes so far. In this case The Next Generation crew is able to discuss their rescue plan openly in front of the Pakleds, who remain oblivious.

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West loves pop culture, movies, comics and TV-shows just as much as you do. Probably. Since you're reading this. Also, she has a cat. He's pretty awesome.