10 Fragile Star Trek Villains YOU Could Beat

7. The Kazon - VOY

Salt Vampire Star Trek

The Kazon are an alien race created to be a primary antagonist of Voyager. They were unpopular characters in and out of the show. Meant to be based on the conflict between the Bloods and the Crips, the Kazon had some troubling implications if taken as a direct allegory - but like modern gangs they had multiple sects with much infighting.

The Kazon had once been technologically advanced for their space region, but they ended up being subjugated by the Trabe. The Kazon were treated like animals and the Trabe encouraged them to fight amongst each other, so that they wouldn't organize an uprising.

Eventually, the Kazon escaped, living as nomadic people, free from the Trabe but not free from their own self-inflicted violence. Their poverty only heightened their fighting and instability. Their resources were scarce enough that one sect tried to barter for water.

Warfaring and territorial, most of their energy is spent on their own splintered communities. To put it mildly: the Kazon are their own worst enemies. The Borg themselves decided to Nope out of that one, and not assimilate with the Kazon. They are an antagonist whose best defeat is just to leave them to their own devices. Which, eventually, the show itself did, and the Kazon plot line was dropped after the second season.

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West loves pop culture, movies, comics and TV-shows just as much as you do. Probably. Since you're reading this. Also, she has a cat. He's pretty awesome.