10 Freaks That Inspired The New American Horror Story

5. Edward Mordake (Mordrake)

Ryan Murphy has already stated that Edward Mordake will be in the two Halloween episodes and in fact, both episodes are named after the two faced man, who will be played by Wes Bentley. There is some confusion surrounding the spelling of his last name, but when it comes to being the man with an extra face, people know who you are. The real Edward Mordake was a British 19th-century heir to unspecified English peerage who apparently had an extra face on the back of his head. In case that wasn€™t weird enough at parties, the face wouldn€™t eat or speak, but boy could it laugh! It could also cry and according to Edward, would whisper to him at night, prompting him to ask doctors to surgically remove it. They refused. Whatever it was that was whispering to him caused him to take his own life at 23 years, after some time in seclusion. While some doctors have suggested the story is a result of embellishment over the years, people suffering from Diprosopus (duplicated stuff on the head) have been verified. Mordake was interred in a wasteland with no marker or stone to indicate the location.

Hailing from the sandiest of Southern states, Susan enjoys horror films and comic books. She writes many things, but mostly wrongs.