10 Friends Moments That Were Totally Unscripted

1. Richard Branson's Cameo

Friends Chandler

Friends' two-part season four finale, "The One with Ross's Wedding," of course takes place and was filmed in London, resulting in cameos from a number of prominent British figures.

One of the most memorable appearances is from Virgin mogul Richard Branson, who appears in a single scene as a vendor that sells a Union Jack hat to Joey.

Branson snagged the part after giving 75 first-class tickets on his Virgin Atlantic airline to the cast and crew - the very same airline which, not-so-coincidentally, Rachel uses to travel to London in the episode.

Reportedly Branson's cameo was a seat-of-the-pants affair, as he came to the location shoot immediately after an important meeting with the Prime Minister of Israel and hadn't had time to learn his lines.

As a result, the decision was made to scrap Branson's written dialogue and just ad-lib a back and forth between him and Matthew Perry and Matt LeBlanc.

As much as Branson's cameo has been panned by fans and critics alike due to his wooden performance, Perry and LeBlanc do their level best to prop him up.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.