10 Friends Moments That Were Totally Unscripted

4. Chandler Hits Himself With The Filing Cabinet

Friends Chandler

In season four's "The One with the 'Cuffs," Chandler famously gets locked in the office of his lover Joanna (Alison La Placa) while handcuffed and also in his underwear.

Rachel ends up cuffing Chandler to the filing cabinet at one point, and as he begs her to release him, he moves his wrist forward, causing the top filing cabinet to move with it, smacking him in the head.

This wasn't remotely planned and yet Perry, ever the pro, manages to keep it together and pull an exasperated face, despite both the injurious and hilarious potential of what just happened.

Jennifer Aniston then immediately covers her face with her hands to try and stop herself from laughing, before the scene abruptly cuts.

Sometimes the stars just align to hand you solid comic gold on a silver platter, and the crew were smart enough to know it in this case.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.