10 Frightfully Good Doctor Who Audios For Halloween

1. Night Thoughts

SUMMARY: The Doctor, Ace and Hex end up staying the night at an old Scottish mansion, occupied by five academics and a young girl named Sue. The academics meet there every winter break to work together and do experiments… or so they claim. The Doctor knows something sinister is going on, but the question is, can he and his companions discover the truth?

WHY LISTEN? This audio has been praised as one of the creepiest Big Finish stories, and honestly, we have to agree. It’s a straight up horror story but with a Doctor Who twist. The tone is unflinchingly dark and rather grisly - so be warned!

This audio also plays with the darker side of the Doctor, and well... to tell anymore would spoil it. Let's just say this a chillingly scary story, and if you think you're brave enough to listen to it, then we highly recommend it.

Doctor Who Quiz: Which Villains Do You Know?

Tom Baker Doctor Who Monsters

1. Which Villains Know The Doctor As "The Oncoming Storm?"

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A freelance writer and Doctor Who fan.