10 Funniest Futurama Characters

7. Robot Devil

Robot Devil3 Naturally, in the Futurama universe, robots have their own hell, thus meaning that they have their own red tormenter, the Robot Devil. Well, rather the tormented than the tormentee, as the Planet Express crew one up him time and time again. He is bested at his own games, such as his legendary fiddle contest which proves that a golden violin makes a good weapon, and then losing his hands to Fry through a wheel of fortune-esque game of chance. Like most Futurama antagonists, he turns out to be quite harmless. Perhaps he should just abandon all of his evil doings and just go full-time with band, as the Robot Devil has provided some of the greatest musical numbers for the series, even going as far to help Futurama receive an Emmy nomination for Outstanding Music and Lyrics. Voiced by: Dan Castellaneta in each episode except for 'A Tale of Two Santas', in which he is voiced by Maurice LaMarche. First appearance: In episode 9 of season 1, the episode 'Hell is Other Robots' shows Bender develop an addiction to electricity. In an attempt to kick the addiction and cure his wicked ways, Bender turns to religion. But when Fry and Leela entice the old Bender back with thieving and robot strippers, Bender is sent to Robot Hell for turning his back on his religion. This is where we first meet the all-singing, all-dancing, Robot Devil. Greatest episode: The Robot Devil's debut song in 'Hell is Other Robots' is too intoxicating to ignore, making it near impossible not to sing along. Plus, he screams like a girl. Finest line: 'The Devil's Hands Are Idyl Playthings' "Your lyrics lack subtlety! You can't just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!"
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Aspiring screenwriter. Film & TV Production BA (Hons) graduate. Currently studying MA Screenwriting at LJMU. Addicted to Breaking Bad and Chinese food.