10 Funniest Futurama Characters

3. Doctor Zoidberg

Futurama Zoidberg Doctor John A. Zoidberg is a hideous crab-like alien who works as the Planet Express crew's human-expert doctor, despite managing to sow Fry's arm onto the wrong side of his body after chopping it off with his claw. He's painfully poor to the point that he considers Amy's toe nail clippings to be a good meal, and is often abused by the crew, but he is too well-meaning and loveable to know any better, and consistently brings the laughs in every time that he scuttles onto our screens. Despite all of the abuse that he receives from his co-workers, they must keep him around for reasons of likability considering that he is absolutely awful at his job. Either that or they know that they can take advantage of him by hardly paying him at all. Nevertheless, Doctor Zoidberg has been a fan favourite throughout Futurama's series and is one of a few characters from the show that has spawned their own collection of internet memes, and he rarely ever fails to get a laugh. Voiced by: Billy West First appearance: In the second episode of Futurama, 'The Series Has Landed', Fry, Bender and Leela are shown around the Planet Express building and introduced to their new workmates. In seconds it is apparent that he is an awful doctor for falsely assuming that human's have more than one mouth. Greatest episode: Barely outshining the season 2 episode in which Zoidberg travels back to his home planet for mating season, entitled 'Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?', the award for the doctor's greatest episode goes to season 3's 'Roswell That Ends Well'. Fry idiotically puts metal in the microwave aboard the Planet Express ship, subsequently transporting the entire crew back to 1947 era Roswell. It's not predominantly a Doctor Zoidberg starring episode, but his supporting turn as the alien who is captured and experimented on at Roswell is one of the funniest moments in the long line of the character's existence. Finest line: 'The Farnsworth Parabox' "In my experience, boxes are usually empty, sometimes with a little cheese stuck to the top, and one time pepperoni, what a day that was!"
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Aspiring screenwriter. Film & TV Production BA (Hons) graduate. Currently studying MA Screenwriting at LJMU. Addicted to Breaking Bad and Chinese food.