10 Funniest Halloween TV Episodes

9. Brooklyn Nine Nine - HalloVeen

The Simpsons The Shinning

The 99 have had a very special Halloween tradition since the first season: pitting the crew against each other in a heist. Initially involving Jake trying to steal the Captain’s watch, it’s since evolved into a bigger and higher-stakes event each season.

Going from Jake versus the Captain to involving Amy and eventually the whole squad, the Halloween episode is one of the most anticipated from Brooklyn Nine Nine each year.

Season Five’s HalloVeen is where the series really outdid itself though.

As has become tradition, the episode revolves around a heist involving the whole precinct. Rather than the usual prize, Amy’s victory leads to her finding an engagement ring, and with it Jake’s proposal.

Their relationship had been extremely well paced throughout the seasons, so their eventual engagement definitely felt earned. The fact it came during a tentpole episode known for twists and turns was certainly a risk, but this time around it paid off.

The episodes feel only tangentially Halloween at times, using the holiday as set dressing for a story which could - for the most part - take place any night. HalloVeen though is so good that it can’t be missed.

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The Simpsons
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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)