10 Funniest Halloween TV Episodes

4. It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia - Who Got Dee Pregnant?

The Simpsons The Shinning

It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia is often quite an ambitious series, and their Halloween special Who Got Dee Pregnant? is no exception. It revolves around flashbacks from the four guys in the Gang, plus several side characters, as they try to figure out the titular question.

One of the best things about it is how well it uses the various narrators. It's not just a case of one character picking up where the last one left off, but instead completely reframing the story. Mac's version sees his martial arts expertise knock a guy out while picking up a small cut, while the true version sees him get his ass kicked. Charlie imagines the Waitress to be there when she's not, Frank is actually Man-Spider not Spider-Man, and Dee gets increasingly bird like as the story goes on.

We see the Gang switching costumes throughout, as they get more drunken and erratic. In the end, it appears that Dee thinks she's taken Charlie to bed, but instead took her own brother, Dennis.

A shellshocked gang confronts Dee, only for her to reveal it's none of them, and she was just tricking them. She's really pregnant, but since it's not by them, they don't care.

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The Simpsons
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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)