10 Funniest Halloween TV Episodes

3. Friends - The One With The Halloween Party

The Simpsons The Shinning

Friends didn’t do Halloween episodes as often as you’d think they would have, considering the characters spent every waking minute together and frequently held get togethers and parties. However, when Monica hosted Halloween in Season Eight though, they showed it was definitely in their wheelhouse.

The character costumes range from meh to amazing, but the antics make up for a couple of phone ins. Monica and Phoebe as Catwoman and Supergirl are fairly standard, and Rachel’s ‘pregnant woman who soon won’t fit into this expensive dress’ is clever, but not particularly memorable. The guys, however, bring their a-game.

Chandler as a giant pink bunny, Joey as Chandler and Ross as a potato satellite (spud-nik) are most peoples’ take away from the episode, though the plot is pretty crammed with storylines and laughs too.

Rachel struggles to deal with her maternal instincts while answering trick or treaters, giving away way too much candy way too early, and ends up giving out cash. Phoebe meets Ursula’s fiancé Eric (played by Sean Penn) and immediately gets dragged into their drama, while Ross frets over losing Mona and ends up arm wrestling Chandler.

Like all great parties, there’s always something happening somewhere.

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The Simpsons
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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)