10 Funniest Star Trek Episodes

1. The Trouble With Tribbles - TOS

Star Trek Picard

This episode may seem like a bit of a cheat because technically, its appearing on the list twice. However, while the previous entry simply had the crew observing and enjoying themselves, very little in the Trek franchise can beat the Original Series' offering and the introduction of the dreaded ecological menace that was the Tribbles!

Kirk is at his most smug/charming as he shares the station with Koloth. Spock remains cool under pressure. Cyrano Jones brings devastation to the Klingon Empire without even knowing it. One Klingon learns to his detriment that you never, ever diss the USS Enterprise in front of Montgomery Scott.

There are so many scenes in the episode that have gone down as classic (Kirk under the Tribble-waterfall) that it is firmly engrained as a must-watch episode of the Original Series that sums up everything that was over the top and campy about the show at the time. While Star Trek has moved in a darker direction as it has aged, it is fun to go back to the roots and just see these men and women playing, pretending to frightened by soft cuddly tufts of hair.

Star Trek has a central mission and that is to show a bright and hopeful future. There are many examples when it has strayed or even lost itself along the way but if you need an example of the fun that Trek can bring, look no further than this episode and simply enjoy.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick