10 Futurama Episodes Probably Made Out Of Spite

4. Bender Should Not Be Allowed On TV (S4E6)

Futurama A Taste Of Freedom

This particular episode comments on a whole range of social issues surrounding the television industry. Kind of ironic but at least they’re being honest. First and foremost it follows the issue with soap operas and their dramatization of life. Bender is asked to star in a TV show and, as per usual, he doesn't take it seriously. He forgets all of his lines and instead improvs as himself.

Unfortunately for those watching, his usual self happens to be quite vulgar and offensive, and soon the audience starts to have a problem with this new star. The issue stirs up a passionate group of fathers who form a group called the Fathers Against Rude Television (FART).

The episode comments on the influence TV can have on those who watch it with Bender making a semi-decent comment about spending more time with your children. The comment is however soured when he suggests corporal punishment as a solution. For reference, the quote goes, “And so I ask you this one question. Have you ever tried simply turning off the TV, sitting down with your children, and hitting them?”

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Currently travelling around doing the typical self-discovery thing while managing social media pages and writing about all things film, food and music-related. If I'm not climbing rocks or making a mess in the kitchen, I'm using my love for writing to connect with like-minded individuals.