10 Game Of Thrones Moments That Didn't Live Up To Expectations

3. The Iron Fleet

Game of Thrones Cersei Jamie Lannister

Euron Greyjoy first appeared in season 6 and, despite being very different from his book counterpart, was a welcomed addition to the show.

That is up until he became a Pirates of the Caribbean parody. Euron at his core is utterly mad but exceptionally good at what he does. He proclaimed himself as the drowned god and the true king of the Iron Islands when he first arrived. But his ambitions are never fully fleshed out in the show and his blind loyalty to Cersei appears almost out of nowhere.

The Iron Fleet he commands even managed to kill one of Danaerys' dragons, cementing that they will surely be a menace in the future...

But then Danaerys remembered she had plot armour and simply burned all of the ships without much effort.

Almost to add insult to injury, Euron had a one on one fight with Jaime, for some reason, resulting in their mutual destruction. Euron stared at the camera, breaking the fourth wall, and said to himself "I'm the man who killed Jaime Lannister."


Sugar, spice, and an over abundance of Star Wars references, these were the ingredients chosen to make this content creator.