10 Game Of Thrones Moments That Didn't Live Up To Expectations

2. The Golden Company

Game of Thrones Cersei Jamie Lannister

This one hurts especially as the show itself makes reference to how disappointing it actually was.

The Golden Company was a legendary band of mercenaries that once swore loyalty to the rebellious bastard family of House Targaryen. The group gained their imposing status from their use of war elephants.

Benioff and Weiss were keen to tease the arrival of these legendary warriors, along with their elephants when Cersei made a deal with the Iron Bank in season 7.

Sure enough, Euron Greyjoy ferried the soldiers to Westeros under the radar where nothing but disappointment followed. Not only were the elephants absent entirely but the army barely had any screen time.

The Golden Company made one appearance during the show, stood outside the gates of King's Landing ready to face down the oncoming army. Within seconds the entire Golden Company was defeated due to Drogon's fire and the ensuing charge of Dothraki.

You can almost hear David and Dan laughing at the expectations of the audience.


Sugar, spice, and an over abundance of Star Wars references, these were the ingredients chosen to make this content creator.