10 Game Of Thrones Scene Stealers

8. Mero, the Titan's Bastard (Mark Killeen)

Many people cross or offend Daenerys Targaryen during the course of the show. Few make more of an immediately obnoxious impression than Mero, the Titan's Bastard. Played by Mark Killeen, Mero appears in the third season episode, "Second Sons", as one of the trio of mercenary captains hired by the slavers of Yunkai to send Dany packing.

Mero is self-assured, swaggering, and sickeningly macho in a way that makes both the characters and the audience cry out for his destruction. He is an interesting foil to Daario Naheris (played here by Ed Skrein), a character who is also inordinately fond of themselves. But where Daario seems eager to find someone or something to serve, Mero is clearly just a meat-headed predator incapable of taking "no" for an answer.

The only surprise about his inevitable demise is that it comes at Daario's hands and not courtesy of Daenerys' dragons. This is a shame as Mero was truly deserving of a charred end.


A podcaster and writer living in Massachusetts with his wife and son. You can follow him on Letterboxd at Daniel Marchant.