10 Gaping Plot Holes In The Game Of Thrones Finale

4. A Girl Is Not Dora The Explorer

Game Of Thrones Jaime Cersei Deaths

Arya Stark’s ending is the bizarrest of them all, coming completely out of left field. Why does she go sailing off west of Westeros? Nothing in the episode makes it clear why she’s made this decision, and she’s never expressed any interest in anything like this before.

Arya’s whole deal since Ilyn Payne lopped off her father’s head has been a complete devotion to her family: gaining vengeance for the wrongs inflicted upon them, and seeking to reunite with them. It's what led her down that dark path in Braavos and it’s the reason she returned to Westeros to reclaim her old identity instead of becoming a Faceless Man.

She's literally just been reunited with them all. Why not stay with Sansa, the new Queen in the North, the sister she’s newly bonded with, their differing trials having finally given them something in common? Why not stay with Bran, the kid brother suddenly named King? They need a Master Of Whispers and a Master Of War, after all… and she has plenty of experience with both.

Really, this is just the classic sitcom ending: a character announces in the series finale, apropos nothing, that she's moving to LA, or getting married (or whatever), so that they can provide a one line resolution to her story that the actual plot forgot to bother with.


Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.