10 Gaping Plot Holes In The Game Of Thrones Finale

5. The North Just Seceded And No One Says A Word

Game Of Thrones Jaime Cersei Deaths

Admittedly, when Aegon I and his sisters conquered Westeros three centuries earlier, it wasn’t exactly by choice that they bent the knee to the dragon-riding dandies with the weird hair.

However, since then the power and wealth represented by the King on the Iron Throne has become the focus of the ambitions of practically every noble in the country. So when, after having voted for their new King, Sansa Stark unilaterally announces that the entire North will be seceding to form its own kingdom again, you’d expect protest. You’d expect them to ask by what right she made the decision, to question her thinking… to threaten her, even to have her locked up with her brother.

Instead, no one says a word. Her decision is accepted as fait accompli, beyond even a blustering argument. Sansa is advocating immediately stripping the putative new King of the Seven Kingdoms of one of those Kingdoms, ending a union three centuries old, and not one of them has anything to say.

And let’s not forget that at that meeting sits a Prince of Dorne and the leader of the ironborn: the two most rebellious banners in Westeros. The Iron Islands have never stopped trying to violently secede, and Dorne was the only kingdom to hold the Targaryens off: they married into the royal family two centuries after the Starks and the rest gave up the franchise.

Let’s face it, two weeks after this meeting Bran’s going to be King of the Four Kingdoms.


Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.