10 Great Characters Game Of Thrones Ruined

1. Euron Greyjoy

Game of Thrones  Euron Greyjoy

Euron was never all that great in the show. He was just a wise-cracking pirate with some outrageous mutton chops and a penchant for violence. In the books, however, he is arguably the main antagonist and one of the most calculated and sinister villains ever written.

Martin had already given the writers everything they needed when it came to a character bio. Book Euron is presented as a mystical and sinister harbinger of doom. He seems to have knowledge of the Walkers, and links to the Three-Eyed Raven. He has a horn that can summon dragons and a ship crewed by mutes and monsters. He's also constantly tripping balls from drinking 'The Shade of the Evening'. His plans are not only to conquer Westeros and marry Dany, but to bring the apocalypse and become a god. What else do you need in a villain?

As it stand in the books, he's been named King of the Iron Isles and the North, invaded and sacked the Southern coasts of Westeros, and sent a fleet to go bring back Dany and her Dragons. He's about to perform some ritualistic kind of blood magic - which involves killing a bunch of holy men and women - and will possibly summon an army of krakens. Much of the fandom theorise his actions will trigger the invasion of the Walkers.

By the gods! This guy's a badass. The Euron we got in the show was a poor substitute...


Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.