10 Great Characters Game Of Thrones Ruined

7. Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish

Game of Thrones  Euron Greyjoy

The change in appreciation for Game of Thrones, came with the dramatic change in tone during the later seasons. It wasn't the talk of dragons, the ice zombies or even the gratuitous sex and violence that got us all hooked - though these tropes certainly helped - it was the political scheming and clever plotting that drove the narrative. The plot holes started appearing around the season five mark, and by season six those holes were so wide that not even an ice dragon could hide them. Clever writing made way for CGI driven spectacle and lazy fan service.

Littlefinger was one of the primary schemers of the story. One way to interpret the books is that the central conflict revolves around the interactions between Littlefinger and Lord Varys. As the writers started running out of source material (or diverging from the source material) they began to write characters into dead ends.

How do you resolve seven seasons of plot for a character, whose story no longer has any baring on the wider narrative? Apparently you don't. They devised a forced conflict between Arya and Sansa, in an attempt to give Littlefinger one last moment of glory. Littlefinger's final plot, however, fell flat - much like his final scene.


Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.