10 Great Characters Game Of Thrones Ruined

5. Jon Snow

Game of Thrones  Euron Greyjoy

Jon Snow's entire character arc was built around the conflict with the White Walkers. All his personal development and military training had been leading to a showdown with them. During the early seasons, he was depicted as the only one with the foresight to prepare for the real enemy - the Walkers. After his betrayal, death and resurrection the show didn't know what to do with him, though.

For book fans, Jon's fate still remains unknown. The last we heard of him he was riddled with stab wounds. Since then fans have been theorising all manor of possibilities for what might happen next. He will likely warg into Ghost and then be resurrected somehow. But there's also a darker possibility...

The Night's King character in the books may have been a Stark ancestor who bred with a female White Walker. If that was true, then the Stark children likely had some relationship to the Walkers. Several clues laid out by Martin suggest Jon's body will be resurrected not by Melisandre but by the Walkers. He might even be the one to lead the Walkers into Westeros.

Already your writer can hear you shouting, "Why didn't they include all this stuff? Is Jon literally the living embodiment of Fire & Ice, with his Targaryen/Walker blood? Are the Starks actually the bad guys?". Regardless of what will play out in the books, this would have been far more interesting trajectory for the show character.


Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.