10 Awesome TV Characters Who Died Off Screen

7. Jill Tracy on Scrubs

Although a minor character, Jill Tracy (Nicole Sullivan) lead to an incredibly heart wrenching episode of a fantastic show. She is brought into the hospital in the fifth season (not for the first time) and JD finds her unconscious with cocaine in her system. She was played by a great actress and was a fascinating recurring character but her actual death scene was very passive; we see her dead with a woman (presumably her mother) giving JD permission to use her organs, which leads to the incredibly sad end to the episode. Technically it's fitting that she didn't have a death scene because the episode is really about what happens after she dies but it would have been interesting (and totally changed the episode) to hear that she didn't commit suicide like JD originally assumes. Luckily she comes back in later episodes (like My Long Goodbye) to haunt people!
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Colleen is an aspiring scriptwriter with a knack for puns and trouble avoiding speeding tickets. She enjoys NBC and BBC, along with the rest of the alphabet. She spends her days working on The Morning After for Hulu.com.