10 Greatest Avatar: The Last Airbender Moments

5. Aang And Friends Assaulting The Earth Kingdom Palace - The Earth King

Last Airbender

If this show is good at anything, it's catharsis. Things may not happen EXACTLY the way you want them to, but they will play out in a way you find satisfying. Case in point, team avatar finally taking on the Dai Lee directly.

After half a season of having to dance around Lon Feng and the Dai Lee for lack of their flying bison, Appa, it should come as no surprise that the MINUTE they get Appa back from the Dai Lee's custody, team avatar immediately makes a break for the Earth King's palace to prove to him that his royal advisor is an ego-maniacal Machiavellian psychopath. Of course, Feng makes it incredibly hard for them.

The fight that ensues as team avatar works through the Earth Kingdom's best defenses (proving once and for all that if you're not a teenager or a member of the white lotus in this universe, you're kinda utterly useless) is some of the best fight animation in the entire show, featuring creative bending and brilliant choreography, making sure that team avatar never feels invincible as they just barely manage to make it to the Earth King's palace.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?