10 Greatest Avatar: The Last Airbender Moments

2. Azula Talking To Her Mother - Sozin's Comet

Last Airbender

Azula is one of the most fascinatingly broken characters in all of fiction. Though putting up a thin veil of a cool collected Machiavellian schemer in the body of a 14 year old girl, several points in the show - PARTICULARLY season 3 - drop hints for the audience that behind it all is a fundamentally unhinged person, emotionally and mentally broken from years of abuse by her horrible father, but lacking the support system Zuko had throughout the show.

All of which we see culminate in the series finale. While her breakdown at the very end was a close runner up for this spot, the best insight into this character's tortured mind and soul was when she hallucinated her mother in the mirror. At the height of her power, Azula's frayed mental state finally comes tumbling down, banishing people left and right until all she has left are her own spiraling thoughts.

So of course, those thoughts take the form of the person she wanted affection from the most: her mother, Ursa.

And what does this vision of her mother tell her? What thought does Azula wish she could have heard her mother tell her, just once, when she was around, despite everything? And what does her mother say that makes Azula remember that no, this isn't really her?

She tells Azula that she loves her.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?