10 Greatest Ever Community "Concept" Episodes

7. Horror Fiction In Seven Spooky Steps

Community Christmas

Britta has a hunch that one of the study group might be a genuine psychopath, so she invites them all to tell a scary story to work out who it might be (awesome Britta logic there, she really is the worst). Anyway, what follows is essentially Community doing their own Treehouse of Horror type anthology episode, and it's wonderful.

Take your pick of absurd yet genius moments in this one... You might have a soft spot for Shirley's story, which boils down to her going to heaven while her heathen friends get torn apart by the Devil, you could get a kick out of the obvious metaphor within Annie's depiction of Jeff as a vampire hungry for young flesh, or maybe you reserve a wry chuckle for Pierce's kinda racist, definitely sexist story about... well, about what Pierce thinks he is. 

However, I think we can all agree that the greatest moment comes from Troy's story of two fighter pilots who crash land in the woods and eventually stick Pierce's butt on his chest... but put his feet where his hands should be so that he cannot enjoy his new butt chest. It really is one of those things that is so stupid it has no right to be funny, and yet... and yet...

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Nintendo fanboy, Doctor Who nerd, and comic book enthusiast... May not actually have a life outside of fictional characters anymore.