10 Greatest Ever Community "Concept" Episodes

3. Pillows And Blankets

Community Christmas

Another documentary episode. This time however, we move away from the Parks and Rec style, and into a more World War II documentary vibe. This episode was actually cobbled together because of a lack of budget, and so the majority of the running time is actually comprised of still images interspersed with narration from the excellent Keith David (who would go on to play season six regular Elroy). 

As the result of a debate between Troy and Abed regarding how best to move forward with their pillow fort (Troy favours blankets for rapid expansion while Abed is a purist) the two decide to go to war, and the whole of Greendale picks their side, fracturing the campus in the process. Thus a bloody (pillow) fight to the death (or to the end of the week) begins. 

Everyone in the study group takes their own stance on the battle of course, except Jeff, who initially takes to giving motivating speeches to either side in a "Ferris Buellerian attempt to avoid schoolwork". One of the best episodes of Community, told through narration and still images. A real testament to the sheer creativity of the crew. Also, a surprisingly deep moment in Troy and Abed's friendship as their fight comes to a head, establishing that perhaps sometimes Abed needs to be treated like an actual person with problems, not just a magical little imp. 

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Nintendo fanboy, Doctor Who nerd, and comic book enthusiast... May not actually have a life outside of fictional characters anymore.