10 Greatest Original Musical Moments From Classic Non-Musical Shows

6. When I Was His Alien €“ American Dad! (S2E12)

Smelly Cat3 There are few songs in anything created by Seth MacFarlane that don't walk that fine line between funny and offensive, but Roger's elegy is one of the more innocent musical moments of the show's history. He feels increasingly neglected by Steve as he grows up and becomes more interested in girls and his human friends, so with his usual coomitment to spectacle he sings his catarthic ode to lost love. The style of the song has been credited by fans to be spoofing both Les Mis's "A Little Fall Of Rain" and Toy Story 2's "When She Loved Me," but with nothing official being clarified, the chances are it's just generally spoofing over-the-top melancholic musical numbers. The song involves Roger reminiscing about the fun they had when they were younger over a hilarious montage that maps the shift in their friendship. The lyrics skirt the edges of cliché but that really is kind of the point and the comedy comes more from the idea of Roger mourning his friendship with Steve in this overdramatic way. It's pretty hilarious and notable that Seth MacFarlane can sing as well as he does whilst still maintaining his Roger voice and it strangely fits the style of the song very well. To complete the parody, Roger discerns that singing didn't solve anything and instead he's going to go out and get hammered.

Born in Yorkshire, Katie is a freelance journalist currently based in Essex. As a keen sports writer, Katie has a diploma in Multimedia Journalism from the Press Association and has worked on the busy Newcastle Chronicle sports desk. She has also written for Gateshead FC and contributed to various websites including Give Me Sport. When she's not watching sports, films or playing music, she's gaming. 8 hours and eventually reaching wave 80 on Modern Warfare 3′s Resistance is a productive day!