10 Greatest Sequels In Star Trek

5. Redemption

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CBS Media Ventures

There are many candidates for the best two-part story in The Next Generation, with The Best Of Both Worlds, Chain Of Command, and Unification often edging their way to the top of the list. For your consideration though, let us look at Redemption, and how it manages to serve as a sequel to Sins Of The Father, Reunion, and Yesterday's Enterprise

While the inclusion of Sela has been discussed almost to death here on TrekCulture, the episode is held in such regard because of its ability to marry so many of these storylines together. The Duras Family arc sees a major resolution here, as following the events of the second episode, they would never again pose such a threat to Starfleet, bar that one unfortunate run-in with the Enterprise-D. 

Gowron is installed as Chancellor, the Romulan collusion with the Duras family is revealed, Tasha Yar's sad fate comes full circle with her daughter's duplicity, and Worf gets that guard of honour. A fantastic payoff to so many loose threads. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick