10 Greatest Star Wars: The Clone Wars Episodes That Changed Everything

9. The Lawless

Star Wars Clone Wars Maul Sidious Savage

Much like Boba Fett in the original trilogy, Darth Maul rode along the fandom based on his appearance in Episode I: The Phantom Menace alone. Given a menacing look and a then unseen double bladed lightsaber, Maul surely seemed like a force to be reckoned with - until he wasn't of course.

Fortunately, Maul resurfaces in The Clone Wars' fourth season after a lot of winks and nods during Savage Opress' introduction in Season 3. Maul's arrival was well-worth the wait, throwing caution to plot logic by simply being too angry to die; an anger that continued his grand conquest to get revenge on Obi-Wan Kenobi for, you know, cutting him in half and all.

The conquest ends in The Lawless, where Maul, having taken control of Death Watch on the planet Mandalore, baits Obi-Wan into a final conflict. The episode is epic, emotionally fuelled, and completely earned. The series took great pains to build Obi Wan Kenobi's relationship with Duchess Satine of Mandalore, as well as revitalising Maul's strategic abilities, which all amounts to genuine stakes that could have easily have felt cheap.

Star Wars veteran Sam Witwer, who also voiced Starkiller in Force Unleashed, does excellent work throughout the arc as a whole, giving Maul a quiet huskiness, accentuating his essence as a terrifying whisper in the night.


Just a run-in-the-mill English Literature student, fighting the struggle of having non-comic book friends.