10 Greatest Toy Commercials of All Time

6. Batman & Robin (1997)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKNSstnq4sg The apex of all Batman advertisements, Joel Schumacher€™s Batman & Robin took the toy-line€™s then disappointing, record-breakingly high-sales (following the failed campaign of Tim Burton) and injected unprecedented toyeticity into it€™s marketing. It€™s is masterpiece of juggling, managing to include a wide array of action-figures and their various outfits, vehicles and accessories into its relatively succinct two-hour running time. Introducing a female-hero to its collection was a genius appeal-broadening move on the part of Schumacher and the Kenner Corporation. In a classic case of awards-panelists being out of touch, Schumacher€™s work has attracted a fraction of the recognition Christopher Nolan€™s latest Batman campaign, despite his toy-line out-selling Nolan€™s significantly.
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Musician, cartoonist and ex-video store clerk.