10 Greatest Toy Commercials of All Time

4. Wild Wacky Action Bike (1999)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtoZf_KfKLI Tapping into the 90s€™ re-appropriation of 1950€™s-lore, Wild Wacky Action Bike features a heightened version of an idyllic American neighbourhood. Juxtaposed with the garish colours of the product itself, the visuals are reminiscent of Tim Burton€™s Pee Wee Herman or Edward Scissorhands for their almost hallucinogenic portrayal of suburbia. The advertisement€™s jingle is also very much a reflection of the times, marrying the infectiousness of a classic jingle with the sensibility of the decade€™s grunge rock. (As you may have realized by now, I am being a little facetious. Wild Wacky Action Bike is not a real toy commercial, or a real toy, unlike the other entries on this list. I was concerned this article may become a little too dry or academic and was hoping to inject a little humour into the proceedings. We will now return to the real toy commercials.)
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Musician, cartoonist and ex-video store clerk.