10 Greatest TV Episodes Of All-Time

4. "Ozymandias" (5.14) - Breaking Bad


"Is Breaking Bad's Ozymandias the greatest episode of television ever written?" That was the headline that The Independent chose to go with on the day after "Ozymandias," the fourteenth episode of Breaking Bad's immensely satisfying final season, aired. The answer, to be completely honest, is probably no: but there's no question as to whether or not it breaks the top 10. As something of a culmination regarding several of the show's major plotlines, "Ozymandias" also worked as a showcase of immense acting talent.

Everything about this episode reeks of "iconic," from its mythological title, to the notion that it resulted in Emmy awards for two of its actors and its writer. "Ozymandias," essentially, marked the beginning of the end for Bryan Cranston's chemistry teacher turned drug kingpin Walter White, and as a slice of television, it is arguably perfect, its pacing relentless and gripping from the very first minute to the forty-seventh. Impossible to watch (or to talk about) without feeling genuinely sick, this is a certified masterpiece.


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.