10 Greatest TV Extra Performances Ever
5. Woman Chewing Coffee (Friends)

Due to its insane rewatchability factor, Friends is one of those shows that's consistently near the top of the streaming charts.
This results in fans regularly finding new and interesting details hidden in classic episodes, like this highly unusual sight in the background of season six's The One Where Paul's The Man.
This episode is fondly remembered for the LOL-worthy final confrontation between Ross and Paul (played by a note-perfect Bruce Willis), the disapproving father of his girlfriend, Elizabeth. But a much less obvious funny moment occurs right at the start, when the main gang is hanging out in Central Perk.
If you look behind Ross when he says the line "looks like I'm not the only one interested in fossils", there's a blonde extra who takes a swig of coffee from her mug... and then starts to chew it?
This woman immediately became a viral sensation, with fans debating the purpose of her seemingly-unnecessary chewing motion. Some posited that her drink might've contained marshmallows, while others believed she was just doing it for the camera.
Whatever the case, stealing a scene away from the main Friends cast is no easy feat, but with her strange, yet committed performance, this lady managed to do it.