10 Greatest TV Extra Performances Ever

3. Balding Asian Guy (Stargate Universe)

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MGM Television

Another random extra who fans latched onto in a big way, Balding Asian Guy appeared in just a handful of Stargate Universe episodes as an ordinary bystander.

Initially popping up in the show's first season, Balding Asian Guy - which, we should note, was created by fans as an endearing nickname, rather than a derogatory remark - can be seen in the episode Faith, clutching his briefcase like his life depended on it.

Even when surrounded by a crowd of people, he immediately stood out to fans of the show, so much so that an enormous 182-page thread was created in his honour on the GateWorld forums. Bill Butt, the extra who played him, even started commenting on the thread once it gained traction, using the humorous username "B.A.G.".

Balding Asian Guy's much-anticipated return was in the season two episode Visitation, where it was strongly implied that he had been killed off. But even with that sticky end, countless fans felt he left a strong lasting impression, despite having very little screen time to work with.

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Danny has been with WhatCulture for almost nine years, and is currently Doctor Who Editor and WhoCulture Channel Manager, overseeing all of WhatCulture's Whoniverse coverage. He has been writing and video editing for 10+ years, and first got a taste for content creation after making his own Doctor Who trailers and uploading them to YouTube (they're admittedly a bit rusty by today's standards). If you need someone to recite every Doctor Who episode in order or to tell you about the making of 1988's Remembrance of the Daleks, Danny is the person to ask.