10 Greatest Unspoken Star Trek Plot Points
5. Tuvok And Chakotay's Conflict

One largely forgotten storyline from Voyager was Tuvok's betrayal of Chakotay. Prior to being lost in the Delta Quadrant with the Voyager crew, Chakotay, B'Elanna, and the other former Maquis were serving aboard the Val Jean, a Maquis raider that Voyager was pursuing for crimes against the Federation and the Cardassians.
Many forget that Tuvok was aboard the Val Jean for quite some time on an undercover infiltration mission to gather intelligence about the Maquis and eventually turn the Val Jean crew over to Federation authorities. When Chakotay learned of this deception in the pilot episode Caretaker he was initially frustrated but quickly regained his composure when he learned how serious their situation was.
The conflict of these two resolving their issues would have been interesting to see but after the pilot Chakotay seems to move on entirely, perhaps content with the position Captain Janeway gave him as First Officer, an appointment that Tuvok expressed initial distaste for in the episode Twisted. Chakotay seems satisfied with the fact that he was given the role over Tuvok, despite him being the obvious next-in-line. Still, it would have been nice to have the two resolve their past more onscreen.