10 Greatest Unspoken Star Trek Plot Points
4. The Discovery Of A Dyson Sphere

In the Next Generation episode Relics the crew of the Enterprise-D encounter something truly breathtaking, an abandoned (or seemingly abandoned) Dyson Sphere. A Dyson Sphere is a theoretical mega-structure sphere that would surround an entire star. The inside of the sphere would be livable land just far enough away from the star to get perfect sunlight at all times, possibly allowing it to harness the entire energy output of the star.
Starfleet, the Klingons, the Vulcans, and even the Borg have never been able to create mega-structures this massive. Whoever created the sphere was likely more powerful than any known empire in the galaxy, rivaled perhaps only by the Q.
It's a shame that we never see any further research done on the Dyson Sphere. It's likely that Starfleet classified its existence to keep its insanely powerful technology to themselves. The audience is left wondering who created this thing? How many planets had to be consumed just for the materials? Are there any other massive structures hidden throughout the galaxy?