10 Greatest Unspoken Star Trek Plot Points

3. The Fate Of The Many Humans Brought From The Past

Voyager Threshold

Throughout the history of Star Trek a large number of humans have been brought from the past to the 23rd and 24th centuries. Of course there was the infamous Khan but less well-known were the cryogenically frozen crew from the Next Generation episode The Neutral Zone. They were all frozen in the late 20th century because they had incurable diseases that they hoped could be cured in the future when they awoke. Luckily for the three survivors, they were right.

The three visitors from the past were all wealthy individuals who were very shocked to learn about how much Earth has changed since the 1900s. Unfortunately, at the end of the episode the three of them left the Enterprise and we never saw them again. It would be nice to see how well they have adjusted to life in the 24th century.

The same goes for Gillian Taylor, the marine biologist who was brought to the 23rd century in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. She hopped aboard a science vessel to catch up with all of the information she missed in the past few centuries and immediately got to work helping Starfleet with its new whale operations. We never get to see much of her reaction to Starfleet and the future in general.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.