5. Bender Futurama
Bite my shiny metal ass! Ah Bender. Initially the prospect of a Matt Groening cartoon being made while The Simpsons was still being aired smacked of one thing: Spinoff. A dirty word in T.V. since most of them fall flat on their faces, but Futurama brought the world somebody better, somebody more cunning and infinitely funnier than US T.V.s answer to Dennis the Menace: Bart Simpson.
Bender: (Looking into a hotel room window) Urgh! Get a room you two!
Man in room: We HAVE a room!
Bender: Well lose some weight! Bender could go so much further by being a robot. Being metal he could drink, smoke and (however possible) screw his way to oblivion without puckering the anuses of the Mary Whitehouses at large. Witticism-ing his wily way into the Wise Ass Pantheon with his trademark
Bite my shiny metal ass! Bender will continue to work his magic long into the future. We hope.