10 Groundbreaking TV Shows That Were Cancelled Too Soon

3. Futurama

Let me clarify: Futurama's inclusion here is mostly because for the duration of my love affair with the show, it was cancelled. It only began airing new episodes in 2010, seven years after its cancellation, and for those 7 years, it always had a place on this list. Now that that's out of the way, what more can I say? Surely we have seen enough of Futurama to know that it can stand on an even keel with Groening's other animated titan. Futurama's fictional future is one of the most brilliantly conceived and executed concept's in modern television; a world where every variation is stinging social satire, where every billboard, shop and sign is a joke, often about the very nature of our consumer culture. However, all of that pales in comparison to the quality of the humor on the show. I'm struggling to describe it's edgy and often daring writing. Bender alone can make even the most tedious episode seem like syndicated gold. Not to mention Fry, Hermes (My manwich!) and Zoidberg. Ah Zoidberg. Groening seems to have one of the keenest minds on Earth to have created such brilliant characters as these, not to mention the Simpsons. While I have only named a few characters, the true strength of the show lies in the interactions of the whole crew. Each of their different personalities lends the show an atmosphere of joviality and it truly pushes the zany factor to 11. However, it is capable of crafting some truly sad and touching episodes, such as The Luck of the Fryish and Jurassic Bark. If you're feeling regret at missing Futurama, it's alright. It's been brought back.

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