10 Heart-Breaking TV Break-Ups That You'll Never Forget

3. Walt & Skylar €“ Breaking Bad

Walter White (or Heisenberg to you and I) and his long-suffering wife Skylar broke up and reunited many a time over the course of Vince Gilligan€™s drug drama masterpiece, but the end of final season episode €˜Ozymandias€™ delivered the final blow to their relationship. After watching his brother-in-law get shot in the head by neo-Nazi drug dealers, Walt kidnaps his daughter and goes on the run. His whole world crumbles before him over the space of one masterful hour of television. However, the real punch in the gut comes when Walt calls Skylar from a payphone under his €˜Heisenberg€™ persona. Telling his wife €œtow the line, or you will wind up just like Hank,€ he ensures his family is not implicated in his dastardly deeds for the last time. As a result, he loses everything he ever held dear and shows that everything he said he had built his empire for was for nothing. An unconventional breakup, perhaps, but a heart-breaking one nevertheless.
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Student. Geordie. Adopted Welshie. Watches way too much TV. Lover of fantastic pop music. Follow me on Twitter at @matthewjones93.