10 Hidden Details You Definitely Missed In The Good Place

6. Ode To Old

The Good Place Swanson Safe

Michael Schur has created many American comedy sitcoms. Some you may know are The US Office, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Parks and Recreation - a lot of the funny stuff. So of course, there are plenty of sneaky references towards his past shows.

The safe that Jason and Pillboi use in their robbery scheme (the one he dies in because he thinks a snorkel would help him breathe in a locked safe) is from Swanson Safe Company, which is a nod to Ron Swanson from Parks and Rec. Similarly, in another episode, there is an ad for champagne by Jean-Ralphio, who is a character alongside Ron.

These references keep on coming along with a nod towards The U.S. Office when Eleanor says 'Pobody's Nerfect', as also uttered by Pam Beesly in their Doomsday episode. So next time you find out the comedy genius Michael Schur has created a new show, keep your eyes peeled for some cheeky Good Place references.


Pippa Crone hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.