10 Hidden Details You Definitely Missed In The Good Place

5. Trevor Forever

Trevor good place

Trevor: do you hate him but you kind of love him? He's slimy yet hilarious, evil yet charming, awful but just can't get enough. However, if you think you just didn't get enough of that side-splitting demon, you might have been missing him in a few scenes. Trevor the demon has been about for more Jeremy Bearimies than you actually probably realised.

The last scene of Trevor is him sucking up to the judge on the bridge, and she flicks him backwards into the void of eternity... but did he disappear forever? No.

Once or twice since, in a scene where the crew was walking on a bridge or someone was on one of those bridges in the interdimensional doorway system, they put him in the distant background, flying through frame! He's very small, but you hear his voice going, 'Whoaaa!' like he's been flying backwards for 10,000 Bearimies.

Sometimes something so little can be so satisfying. Next time you binge watch The Good Place, look out for your favourite slime ball falling into the abyss.


Pippa Crone hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.